I am very much aware that
DHA is planning to demolish Turner Courts, but that is not going to prevent us from fighting for what we believe in. We made a promise that we would continue to bring the community together until they tell us we have to move. If we keep going with our monthly meeting and start our crime watch committee, it will be a much better community. It does not matter about the demolish, when
DHA rebuilds this community, then the crime watch committee will already be in effect. We have recently heard that we have some people who attend our meeting just to let the people who are bringing the community down know what is going on, and that has made some of the residents afraid to come to be a part of the meetings but that is OK! Those of us who are not afraid will keep on keeping on. I am protected by the greatest law enforcer in the world and that is GOD!!!!! Vengeance is His and with Him on our side we can't lose!!! I want to encourage anyone who reads this blog to never give up, but to fight the good fight!!!
We have come to far! Just the other day I witnessed the
DPD enforcing the No Loitering sign at our neighborhood store called
Bubba's, I felt so good when I saw that, I thought to myself it is really working, because today their was not one person hanging out in front of the store. I don't know how long it will last but it will work for now. The other big change is the fact that Ms. Hill the DART Rep informed me that they have not come across any trouble since they added the new route time!! She stated that the bus will run for at least 3 months if their is no problems, and then maybe, they will meet again to see if it will stay for definite. So! you see coming together and voicing your concerns does help!!
I want to leave you with this quote that I heard that touched my soul. " Failure looks behind, Fear looks around, and Faith looks forward" take a moment and soak this in, it is very