Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Town Hall meeting #2!

Everyone come out! We are having our 2nd Town Hall meeting for the Rochester Park community.

I am so encouraged by the participation of the people who have come to the table so far. They have done a great job hanging in there and following up with the information we received. We definitely need everyone to participate in order to make our community better.

Please come out...

February 2, 2008
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

We will have progress reports presented by different people in the community and some new representatives from the city to help us address issues.

Please be on time! We want the city to know we are taking this seriously!

I look forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Community, Community, Community!!!

I am so proud of our Town Hall Meetings. We had another meeting at the round table today. It went rather well!! Their is still a lot of work that needs to be done but we are heading in the right direction. I really care about the community. I wish that more would come out. I know that it is not going to happen over night but, a voice not heard is silent! Who will stand up for their community? Our next meeting will be on February the 9th 2008. I hope to see a lot more partispants there. I am working on community relationships. They need someone they can trust and I am hoping that they will trust me. So come one come all!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Community Togetherness

I was really pleased at how the meeting went on Saturday. I know that alot of the residents did not show up but that's ok! We still have alot of work that needs to be done. I feel very strongly about the outcome of these meetings. Once the residents see that they have someone to trust in they will come. It may not be the entire community, but their are people that will. I am on it!! Their will be more people invloved I just know it, I feel it in my soul. We will gain the trust of the people. I know also that I will not happen overnight, but a change is about to come. This is the year of change!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Council meeting

Hey everybody, i just wanted to enlighten everyone who wasn't at the meeting about the meeting that was held today. The meeting was a huge success and i feel that we accomplished alot and i felt that we brought alot of the important issues to the table. We even had residents come out which i had already expected (lol Janet). The important thing is that people showed up. I am really glad i came.

~Steven (Checo) Roberts

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Town Hall Meeting...THIS SATURDAY!! (1/5/08)

The Town Hall meeting will be this Saturday, in the Educational Outreach Center (Community Room/Rent office) at 6601 Bexar St. Below is an agenda based on what several people in Turner Courts have noticed and are concerned about. The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. and should be over by 11:30.

We plan to present the issues as a community, let the city respond to how they can/will address those issues, we will ask any questions of the city, and, finally, the city will present next steps for them and let us know how we can work with them to make sure those things are accomplished.

I. Welcome and introductions
II. Why are we here?
III. Presentation of the issues Rochester Park community
a. Crime (Monique and Wyshina Harris)
i. Police patrol
1. How often can we expect police to be patrolling? Should they patrol or park?
2. What is the expected response time?
3. How do reported statistics (i.e. calling in for shots, robberies, vandalism, etc.) contribute to more police presence?
4. Homeless men sleeping on playgrounds in the mornings (in Turner Courts)
5. Open drug deals around the play grounds (in Turner Courts)
ii. Lighting
1. Present list of street lights that are out or dim
b. Transportation (Lori Cullom)
1. Doesn’t run through Turner Courts after 7:51
a. People have late jobs
b. Bus stops are provided so we would like to utilize them
2. What can we do to help and make sure buses continue to run?
3. Hours residents need bus service
ii. Street signs
1. No directional signs/highway signs telling how to get to 45, 175, etc.
c. Code enforcement (Sylvia Baylor)
i. Cracked sidewalks
d. Housing (Sylvia Baylor)
i. DHA
1. Playgrounds
a. Broken glass in playground areas
b. Lack of wood chips for children’s safety
c. Homeless men sleeping in playgrounds
d. Open drug deals
2. Apartments
a. Slow or limited maintenance
e. City Park—Rochester (Monique)
i. Lots of bugs (needs to be exterminated)
ii. Wires sticking out on playground equipment
f. Economic development
i. Lack of businesses (i.e. grocery stores)
g. Schools (Wyshina Harris)
h. Communication (Dana Arnick)
i. Will phone booths be taken out of the neighborhood or will pay phones still be available for those without cell phones?
IV. City addresses the issues presented
V. Next steps
a. City
b. Community